Thursday, December 15, 2005

Three-Toed Tree Toad

My 7th grade English class just finished a brief unit on poetry. Hearing their works or art evoked a desire to read some of my own poetry. Here's some of the lighter works from the Griffin Collection.

Three-Toed Tree Toad

A tree toad loved a she toad
That lived up in a tree.
She was a three-toad tree toad,
But a two-toed toad was he.
The two-toed toad tried to win
The she-toad’s friendly nod,
For the two-toed toad loved the ground
On which the three-toed toad trod.
But no matter how the two-toed tree toad tried,
He could not please her whim.
In her tree-toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she toad vetoed him.


A Maid’s Bluster

A maid with a duster
Made a furious bluster
Dusting a bust in the hall.

When the bust it was dusted
The bust it was busted,
The bust it was dusted, that’s all.

Who said poetry had to be serious or boring? Seventh grade brings out my comical side.

Do you have any poems or other writings you'd like to share? Send 'em on over.



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