Thursday, August 28, 2008

Where's the Truth?

One thing I've picked up since returning to the States is that the media is so full of misconceptions. I knew this in part, but now I see it even more clearly. News reports and entertainment put out the idea that the Church is dead; that God's people are making no real impact on this country or the world; that Jesus can't be taken seriously because no evidence of his resurrection exists, and certainly no one believes in such nonsense anymore. But that's not our experienced reality.

As we've travelled, we've seen countless examples of genuine faith; of people sacrificing to bless others and overcome trials by faith; of families reuniting and forgiving, and of communities being changed for the better. I met a man who uses his revenue properties as an opportunity to speak into the lives of his tenants. I heard first hand of another who has pushed out the drugs and gangs in 3 city blocks by peaceful confrontation. I've met parents who's children have gone to fight in the middle east or who've gone themselves, and whose faith is stronger for trusting God with the battle. I've seen people who minister to the poor, the widowed, the orphans. We have several friends who've adopted and more who are in the process. We've seen Bible studies and worship services and community projects and outreach where people are changed. The stories we've heard would move you to tears.

The truth: it's not found on MSNBC or CNN or Fox News. The truth is that God is alive and well, and his people are on the move. For anyone who's doubting if a life of faith can make a difference, I'd say two things: 1) turn off the TV -- it's all brain rot, and 2) go and share your faith. You'll not only see God move in and through you, but you'll also meet others who are doing the same. Now, why isn't this making the front page?


At 7:00 AM , Blogger The Hutapea Family said...

so true!

At 1:43 AM , Blogger Bob, Sarah, and Miriam Logsdon said...

Amen, James! You guys have such a unique opportunity with your travels to see God in the lives of all different kinds of people in all different kinds of places. Praise God for how he makes himself known! Thanks for the reminder. That's one of the best blog entries I've read in quite some time.
Coming through Oklahoma anytime? We'd love to see you!

At 10:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mona and James. Thanks for your thoughtful blog. You have added to my growing conviction about the switching off the TV, too.
Mona- I read your email, but before I replied to it our computer crashed and I've lost your email address. A pretty good trick, hey!?
Would you be able to send me a line again and I can give you the goss.


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