Ring of Fire Resurrected
Mount Merapi has been under close observation for the last several months due to tremors. Over the past three days (April 30 - May 2) the pinnacle has grown an additional 10 meters; that's 33 feet. This sudden spurt is considered a warning of an imminent eruption. Yet, many local farmers are still reluctant to evacuate the area.This morning, as Mona and I were walking to school, Mount Merbabu was clearer than it has been for the past week. Clouds usually obscure its facade. Mount Merapi, too, is clear this morning. One can see it peaking out from behind Merbabu from the town center on Jalan Jendral Sudirman. Its proud throne emits a constant stream of sulfuric smoke year round, but even more so now. We hope to take a drive this weekend to look out across the deep valley separating Merbabu and Merapi and witness this growing monster first hand.
The danger to us in Salatiga is minimal. In the 1990s, when Merapi last erupted anything more than a trickle, Salatiga received nothing more than some residual ash. In our defense, Mount Merbabu stands stolidly like a giant sentry, protecting the simple farmers and rural villagers of Salatiga.
Visit www.indahnesia.com for current information and photos.
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