Thursday, August 03, 2006

Scenarios and Consequences

Two years ago, Mona and I had a visa trauma. Well, more like visa indigestion, as compared to a visa coronary.

We were scheduled to leave the states on a Wednesday, yet our passports and visas hadn't arrived as of the Monday prior. Long story short, after some stress-filled prayers and a few hundred dollars, our visas were shipped via courier directly to us 7 hours before our flight was to leave.

We are now scheduled to leave the states today, Thursday the 3rd of August, and I just found out that our visas are at the post office as of 8:30 this morning. An entire 10 hours before our flight is supposed to leave. Praise God. Unlike two years ago, this time I was able to put it all in a little bigger perspective. Why stress the unknown? What would happen if our visas didn't arrive in time?

Scenario 1: We have to change our flights and wait another day in country with family. Consequence: We're out some money and we miss the opening of the teacher meetings at school.

Scenario 2: We fly to L.A. and have our visas overnighted to us there. Consequence: We have to change only our Singapore Air flights, but have to wait in a hotel; although, it would allow us more time to navigate DFW and American Airlines.

Scenario 3: We panic and hyperventilate so heavily that all logic and reason escape us. We sulk on mom's couch like the doughy masses that we are to the detriment of our health, such that when the passports do arrive we're in such a complete state of hysteria that we have to be carted around the airports in wheelchairs and given pre-boarding privileges. Consequence: Well, they're all terribly embarrassing...except for that being carted around and given privileges bit. That might be okay.

All in all, I'm glad to say that there has been no losing of anyone's mind or senses. God has enabled my faith to grow over the last two years, and, all glory to him, it hasn't taken a Job-like trauma to get me to listen.


At 1:29 AM , Blogger Michael Cates said...

James and Mona - I now have a skype account, so send me your account info, and we can chat when you're online - it was great to see you two - keep in touch!

At 11:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your trauma has lessened with age and experience. It's nice to have a better perspective. I like how you wrote this us. Interesting scenarios!


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