The Journey Home
In a little under an hour, our journey home will begin. We will get in a rented vehicle headed for Solo City where we will stay the night near the airport. Tomorrow morning we will arise bright and early for one last meal in Indonesia before taking the shuttle to the airport and board Silk Air for Singapore. From the moment our plane takes off, we will spend the next 44 hours traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas.
Last night I had to say goodby to some of my friends; really they're more like family, but the blood issue remains. During the past two years, the drastic change in culture from that of the United States has enabled me to discern areas in my home culture that are not so beneficial. Let me say here that I love America. I love my country, even though I have serious political issues with its current administration. I also love much about my first culture. However, I also realize that much of this world's culture is comprised of human insecurity, greed, and self-preservation. The interesting insight I've had is this: why strive so hard to preserve what is so fleeting anyhow? Or, as Jim Elliot said, "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
All that said, what occurred to me as I was saying goodby is that Indonesia is home. I am comfortable here. When on vacation, I look forward to returning to Salatiga. I like Indonesian people, the language, the food, and the culture; although it, too, has faults. What I am interested to see is how this transition will show itself while we're in the states. Will I discover that my memory of the U.S. differs from reality? Will I be disgusted with the materialism and shallowness of Western life? Or will I be impressed with its suffistication and depth of life? We'll see.
One thing I am sure of, God will show me more of himself and of who he's made me to be. Cultural adjustment is not my goal. Nor is political correctness. My aim is to be transformed into the mindset of Christ. And any obstacle of human invention is not worth holding on to.